Last week was pretty crazy for us. The framers were almost finished, the windows installed, the doors delivered. We noticed their was rain in the forecast and started to worry about if the roofer's would get the paper down in time. Unfortunately the storm hit early and we were soaked. Combine, rain, sand, sawdust, lumber, and nails. We walked into a huge mess. The stair treads were soaking up water and there were puddles everywhere. We had to buck up and clean it up.
On Thursday the roofers got the paper down, Dustin installed the chimney for the fireplace.
On Friday Dustin and our friend Downard started the HVAC and I swept all the soggy sawdust and mud off of the walls.
Then Saturday we cleaned up the lumber, nails, and garbage. Dustin's Dad, and our friend Bobio started doing the venting for the plumbing, I stained the columns out front. Parker took a nap at Gramma's house and then she brought him up. My sister and her family came to see us too. Summer Downard was a big help this weekend!
We also got a big delivery, one that made me get emotional about receiving, the vintage claw foot bath tub. I'll be dedicating a post to just it soon!
I was so busy on Saturday I didn't take any of the progress. But I did manage to snap the two below and they are just precious. Parker handing his Papa a fitting.
Saturday evening taking a break for a beer around the fire. We took in the sunset with our new view.
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