Thursday, March 27, 2014

Whew.. getting through the 4-way Inspection.

Dustin put's D&K's everywhere. It's so sweet. I know where there are hidden D&K's from California to Texas!
Today is the first time I've been able to post in a long time. The amount of hours that have been put in to get the 4 way inspection done are crazy. We had so many helpers get our electrical, plumbing, and heating and air done. A huge thanks to Chris Downard, our favorite HVAC man, Desert Electric for getting everything done right the first time and doing it quickly and Papa Plumber, John Grow for doing all the plumbing!  We appreciate everyone's help and for sacrificing their time!

That's a lotta wire and metal!

The laundry room

Some of the duct work
Parker's Bathroom

 We got the roof tile on last Thursday. Hirschi Roofing is amazing. I went to school with Mike. It's been fun to reconnect with him and have his help in building our home!

All of the doors and windows have gotten wrapped in metal. It's really going to add to the craftsman look.

I am in love with the windows and doors! Worth the extra expense!

We have sheetrock in the Garage, and ceilings of the porch and patio.
Notice the Cleeeeeean House?! I've been cleaning non stop. We swept and swept, vacuumed, and mopped, swept some more, then hand moped on our hands and knees to get ready for stain.
Here it goes.. It looks really red when you put it down, but it is going to be a walnut color.

We have been babying these floors. We have the whole house stained now and have moped it once. We will have to mop a lot more, then put on a layer of sealant, let it dry, then tape and cover it. We are not having carpet at all downstairs.
That's my hard working handsome husband.
We are getting Insulation Monday and Tuesday and are going to start sheet rock on Wednesday. We have stucco guys starting tomorrow! The end is in sight!
Thank you for following our crazy journey of building our dream home! The love and support from everyone is amazing!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Saturday March 1, 2014

Last week was pretty crazy for us. The framers were almost finished, the windows installed, the doors delivered. We noticed their was rain in the forecast and started to worry about if the roofer's would get the paper down in time. Unfortunately the storm hit early and we were soaked. Combine, rain, sand, sawdust, lumber, and nails. We walked into a huge mess. The stair treads were soaking up water and there were puddles everywhere. We had to buck up and clean it up.
On Thursday the roofers got the paper down, Dustin installed the chimney for the fireplace.
 On Friday Dustin and our friend Downard started the HVAC and I swept all the soggy sawdust and mud off of the walls.
Then Saturday we cleaned up the lumber, nails, and garbage. Dustin's Dad, and our friend Bobio started doing the venting for the plumbing, I stained the columns out front. Parker took a nap at Gramma's house and then she brought him up. My sister and her family came to see us too. Summer Downard was a big help this weekend! 
We also got a big delivery, one that made me get emotional about receiving, the vintage claw foot bath tub. I'll be dedicating a post to just it soon! 
I was so busy on Saturday I didn't take any of the progress. But I did manage to snap the two below and they are just precious. Parker handing his Papa a fitting.

 Saturday evening taking a break for a beer around the fire. We took in the sunset with our new view.

Photos from last week..

We have made a lot of progress since just last week.  I will have an up to date post tomorrow.

The French doors that open to the back patio.

 I squeal everytime  I see the windows! Eeeek

A glimpse of the floors we are doing ourselves. Notice the subway layout of the concrete cuts? You'll see more of this in the next few weeks.
 The kids checking out the house. We have to watch Parker around the ladders because the boy has no fear of crawling up them.

Just to give you an idea of where things are laid out...

So thrilled at this.. Our old home had the laundry room between the kitchen and garage. All of our friends and family have seen our dirty laundry!

The "bean" (Jaisy's nickname) gets the walk in closet
"Moose" (her nickname) gets a little bit bigger of a room.
 This was in the top 5 things we wanted. A jack & jill for the upcoming teenage girls.

The big boy will have a big lock on his door! Trust us!